Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

London and in fact the whole country it seems has gone slightly Dickens mad with the TV specials, constant promotions and the media hype. It’s great really, we have Dickens’s birthday, the Queens Jubilee, a huge Shakespeare festival and the Olympics all in the same year. 2013 may feel like a total come-down after all this year’s excitement.
I did not read Great Expectations because of all the hype although perhaps it has somehow filtered down to me. The BBC recently aired a new version of Great Expectations over Christmas which was pretty bad (and I feel bad for saying that because I love Gillian Anderson). While watching episode one I found myself getting quite defensive over a book and author I had never read so I decided that rather than put myself through two more episodes I would just read the dam thing.
Great Expectations needs little in the way of plot synopsis as like many of Dickens’s novels the general gist of the plot is known by many. After saying that the novel did throw up a few surprises by giving me some rather beautiful sentences scattered throughout and a couple of delicious plot twists at the end. 
There are many many strengths to this novel. The plot is a great one, the characters are brilliant, the places are vividly described, the gothic elements are a nice touch and there also social and moral issues which thread through and combine the whole thing. It’s a rich novel and one which you can really curl up with and get into. I also loved the general view that money doesn’t always equal happiness, the very flawed man in the main character Pip and the general darkness of it all.
 Yes the writing isn’t the most easy to get on with (but not Henry James hard) and it did also lull in a couple of places in the middle where I just wanted Dickens to ‘get on with it’ but if you are prepared to give this novel your full attention and accept that you are probably not going to rush through it (although why would you want to) then you will be rewarded.
I’m not quite ready to pick up Bleak House yet but Oliver I think is next on my list.
Posted by Jess


  1. Good, now it's decided: I definitely won't go and watch the BBC movie! I am glad you felt the urge to defend Great Expectations since a) it's one of my favourite books (although it took me half a year to read it) and b) it's always good to spread the Dickens-love!
    In fact the only thing I don't like about this novel is the ending: in my version there is the altered happy ending in which Pip and Estella live happily-ever-after, but I think the original one is much more fitting.

    1. I did like the original ending at first but when you read both I realised that the 'happy' one is actually better written with all the descriptions of the mist around the house etc Its a dark book as perhaps suits a dark ending but then the happy one leaves space for growth with the original doesnt.

      Im torn on it TBH but will accept whichever one Dickens gives me

  2. So far, G.E. is my favorite Dickens. I really want to read Bleak House and David Copperfield...someday! Nice overview of this great book.

    1. I got Bleak House for Christmas but I didnt want it to be my first in case it puts me off forever! Massive book it is

  3. This is the only Dickens I've actually read and I was quite impressed. I am put off by the length of some of the others, but I suppose I should give them a try at some point - as you say, I may know the plot, but there are always a few surprises.

    1. I think my next ones will have to be Oliver and Hard Times but when I look at them they also happen to be the most shortest so hmmm think Im put off by the size of them too

  4. I loved the story of Great Expectations but no, I haven't read the entire novel yet, only the abridged version when I was a kid. But I signed up for a Charles Dickens reading challenge this year and this book will definitely be in my list.

    Gillian Anderson in the latest Great Expectations show? Wow!

    1. Gillian Anderson playing Miss Habersham as well. She was actually quite good and played it quite sly but it was more the overall atmosphere and the script really.

  5. I'm reading this at the moment and enjoying it so far. I've read a few of Dickens' other books and struggled with the writing in one or two of them (especially Bleak House) but I'm finding this one an easier read. And I agree there are some beautiful sentences!

    1. Yes there is some actually very good writing in it which sounds bad but I wasnt expecting as much.

  6. Ah thankyou, Im adding The Black Book onto my wish list - poor blokes getting overshadowed this year isnt he!

  7. This one and David Copperfield are my favorite Dickens novels. I actually wasn't a fan of Oliver, he's too goody-goody for me, but most people love it. I'm in the middle of Bleak House right now.

  8. I hadn't even heard of the new GE production yet. If I see it, I will go into it with low expectations. Loved Gillian Anderson in Bleak House. From what I remember, Oliver Twist is a pretty quick read, for Dickens anyway. Bleak House kind of alternates between really fast reading, and sections you have to almost read out loud to catch everything. But those are the best parts because of the humor. I loved Great Expections!

  9. Great Expectations is my favorite Dickens, with Bleak House a close second. I seem to need space between Dickens novels - like a year or more. Not really sure why. I think David Copperfield will be next for me.

  10. I just finished this myself and was completely engrossed. It is such a good read. I'm sad to hear that the recent tv adaptation is not very good - it is airing here in the States in a few months, I think.

  11. Bummer about the new adaptation! I think it will be airing in the US this spring and I was looking forward to seeing it. I read this eight years ago in school and I think it would be good for me to read it again as a more mature person who isn't being forced to do it.

  12. I'll be reading this one in a couple days. I've already read Oliver, which I ended up liking in the end. I hope you enjoy it! :)
