Sunday, 19 September 2010

I am becoming addicted to read-alongs

I have a rule when it comes to read-alongs, I only sign up for them if the book in question is on my TBR list. I love read-alongs, the books which are picked for these tend to be books I find intimidating due to their size/prose/author etc. Read-alongs tend to be spread over a month or longer so that I can read the books slowly without interrupting my normal reading pattern, and there is something to be said for reading these books along with other people who are all in the same boat.

The problem is that there are a lot of read-alongs coming up which contain books that I really want to read.

First up is Madame Bovery which is being hosted over at Nonsuch Book during October. I have always wanted to read this and am now more interested since reading Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country.

From Nonsuch Book again there is Dr Zhivago which is being read over November. This is a book I have always wanted to read and will be my first Russian book.

Hosting a read-along of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay is English Majors Junk Food. As the deadline for this one is October 18 then this is the one that I will probably have to opt out of.
Edited to say: This read-along has now been extended to 1st November so you have over a month to read this one.

Also being read over November/December is Midnights Children hosted over at Bibliojunkie. I admit that most of the reason I want to read this is just so that I could say I have – and I don't care if that's wrong.

If you are feeling adventurous then Dovegrayreader is hosting a year long read-along of War and Peace. You can either read one chapter a day or 100 pages a month. Or you can just do your own thing.

There are loads of other read-alongs being hosted in the upcoming months I am sure but there are the ones which I would like to do if I can. If there are any others then leave a comment and I'll add it to the post in case anyone else is interested.

Posted by Jess

I would like to add The Princess Bride read-along hosted at Chrisbookarama and starts at the beginning of october.

I did read The Princess Bride many years ago and it really was such a fun read and I recommend it.

Baja Greenawalt's Cozy Book Nook is hosting quite a casual read-along/discussion on Jane Austens Emma. Even if you have already read it then do pop along as they are interested in your views!

There is a monthly read-along hosted at Thelittlereader If you don't want to read a huge classic then this might be ideal for you as they tend to focus more on contemporary fiction with this months read-along being Half of a Yellow Sun.


  1. Whoa! That's a lot of readalongs. I've never done one before - they look like fun, but I like to go at my own pace.

  2. I really want to join a readalong -- but whenever they come along I always think 'Aack, I'm not ready!'

  3. Dr Zhivago & War & Peace are definitely books that are good to read as a group.

    Could you add my The Princess Bride Readalong to the list? It starts Oct 3:

  4. I'm liking the idea of readalongs too, Jess. It is kinda like a bookclub but you can choose the book that you want to read from the various offerings rather than being stuck with a bookclub pick.

    Mrs. BG has an impromptu readalong of Emma going on-- It all came together in one day and caught us by surprise. We are having fun and I'm sure it won't be the last readalong we host. It is still early days so anyone can join in or just come by to discuss if they've already read Emma.

    Emma is a casual cozy readalong with no strict rules so don't feel obligated to add it to your post.


  5. What an interesting selection of readalong books! I'm almost tempted by Midnight's Children. Too bad you probably won't get a chance to get to Kavalier and Clay, I really loved that one.

  6. Oh gosh, good luck! I admit, I hated Bovary and Dr. Zhivago, which my book club read (both) in 2008. I'm also not at all interested in War & Peace. These readalongs sound a bit scary to me! :D

  7. Bethany - I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew here LOL

    Marieke - The ones mentioned above gave quite alot of notice which isnt too bad.

    Chrisbookarama - all added for you ;)I love the new version of The Princess Bride book.

    Cozy Book Nook (Lesa)- oh of course I'll add it ;)

    Clover - oh I will get around to Kavalier and Clay as it is on my TBR list anyway, just Im not ready for it in october.

    Amanda - oh I like scary read-alongs. Thanks for the warning on those first too though!

  8. Like you, I love read-a-longs and most of those you named are on my list as well, but I think they might be a little too much to keep up with?

  9. There are so many read-a-longs I want to join but I suck at read-a-longs, so I have pretty much banned myself from joining anymore.

  10. Now I want to do all these, too! I just don't think I have time, unfortunately... :(

  11. I'm so glad to have you with us on Midnight's Children read-along!

  12. English Major's Junk Food has extended her read-along to November 1st in the hopes that more of us might be able to participate.

    Also, check out thelittlereader's blog ( where she hosts a monthly readalong. This month's selection is Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

  13. I'm participating in Madame Bovary and Dr. Zhivago....hopefully. I need to finish the Bleak House read-along first before I can really commit to any others. :)

    I have a hard time with read-alongs that are too far spread out. That War and Peace one is too much for me. I need a smaller time limit to get it done, but I might tackle it this winter.

  14. irisonbooks - I may end up giving on on a couple but for some reason I am really determined to try.

    Stephanie - Ive only done one so far and I quite liked the slower pace. There are loads out there which is good for choice.

    Zara - ah well, I think time is a major factor with these. There is no way I would have the time if I was still a student. Luckly I only work part time.

    Jov - Im very curious about that book and I have no idea what its about.

    Suzanne - ah thanks Ill put a link. Also thanks for letting me know about English Major's Junk Food read-along - I think Ill be able to do this now.

    Allie - Ill see you at those read-alongs! I saw the Bleak House one but I have never got on with Dickins so I didnt even want to attempt that one!

  15. thanks for mentioning us! Mrs. BG now has a Facebook identity and I will link your post to the group when I get home-- no FB at work! Now to start working..

  16. I do read-alongs too but just the informal kind. Meaning, some other bloggers says, "Hey, wanna read A Suitable Boy?" and I first faint from the length of said book and then say yes. I am about to agree to one of those right now!

    As for my blog not showing up on the profile thing, it does when you click on my name, just in the left hand corner under My Web Page. Since I don't blog with blogger I had to create an empty blogger account in order to post comments.

  17. Ti - I thought it was likely to me my faulth I couldnt find you!

  18. I'm with you, I just can't help myself. They all sound so good!
